Il sistema operativo
Without its software, a computer is basically a useless lump (lump = pezzo) of metal. With its software, a computer can store, process, and retrieve information; play music and videos; send e-mail, search the Internet; and engage in many other valuable activities to earn its keep. Computer software can be divided roughly into two kinds: system programs, which manage the operation of the computer itself, and application programs, which perform the actual work the user wants. The most fundamental system program is the operating system, whose job is to control all the computer’s resources and provide a base upon which the application programs can be written. […]. A modern computer system consists of one or more processors, some main memory, disks, printers, a keyboard, a display, network interfaces, and other input/output devices. All in all, a complex system. Writing programs that keep track of all these components and use them correctly, let alone optimally, is an extremely difficult job. If every programmer had to be concerned with how disk drives work, and with all the dozens of things that could go wrong when reading a disk block, it is unlikely that many programs could be written at all.[…].The way that has evolved gradually is to put a layer of software on top of the bare hardware, to manage all parts of the system, and present the user with an interface or virtual machine that is easier to understand and program. This layer of software is the operating system. […]. On top of the operating system is the rest of the system software. Here we find the command interpreter (shell), window systems, compilers, editors, and similar application-independent programs. It is important to realize that these programs are definitely not part of the operating system, even though they are typically supplied preinstalled by the computer manufacturer, or in a package with the operating system if it is installed after purchase. This is a crucial, but subtle, point. The operating system is (usually) that portion of the software that runs in kernel mode or supervisor mode. It is protected from user tampering (tempering == manomissione) by the hardware (ignoring for the moment some older or low-end microprocessors that do not have hardware protection at all). […]. […]. Still, for traditional computers, the operating system is what runs in kernel mode. That said, in many systems there are programs that run in user mode but which help the operating system or perform privileged functions. […]. In some systems […] this idea is carried to an extreme form, and pieces of what is traditionally considered to be the operating system (such as the file system) run in user space. In such systems, it is difficult to draw a clear boundary. Everything running in kernel mode is clearly part of the operating system, but some programs running outside it are arguably also part of it, or at least closely associated with it. […]. Finally, above the come the application programs. These programs are purchased (or written by) the users to solve their particular problems, such as word processing, spreadsheets, engineering calculations, or storing information in a database.
What is an operating system?
Most computer users have had some experience with an operating system, but it is difficult to pin down precisely what an operating system is. Part of the problem is that operating systems perform two basically unrelated functions, extending the machine and managing resources, and depending on who is doing the talking, you hear mostly about one function or the other. Let us now look at both.
The operating system as an extended machine
[…]. Without going into the real details, it should be clear that the average programmer probably does not want to get too intimately involved with the programming of floppy disks (or hard disks, which are just as complex and quite different). Instead, what the programmer wants is a simple, high-level abstraction to deal with. In the case of disks, a typical abstraction would be that the disk contains a collection of named files. Each file can be opened for reading or writing, then read or written, and finally closed. Details such as whether or not recording should usemodified frequency modulation and what the current state of the motor is should not appear in the abstraction presented to the user. The program that hides the truth about the hardware from the programmer and presents a nice, simple view of named files that can be read and written is, of course, the operating system. Just as the operating system shields (to shield = isolare) the programmer from the disk hardware and presents a simple file-oriented interface, it also conceals a lot of unpleasant business concerning interrupts, timers, memory management, and other low-level features. In each case, the abstraction offered by the operating system is simpler and easier to use than that offered by the underlying hardware. In this view, the function of the operating system is to present the user with the equivalent of an extended machine or virtual machine that is easier to program than the underlying hardware. […].
The operating system as a resource manager
The concept of the operating system as primarily providing its users with a convenient interface is a top-down view. An alternative, bottom-up, view holds that the operating system is there to manage all the pieces of a complex system. […]. When a computer (or network) has multiple users, the need for managing and protecting the memory, I/O devices, and other resources is even greater, since the users might otherwise interfere with one another. In addition, users often need to share not only hardware, but information (files, databases, etc.) as well. In short, this view of the operating system holds that its primary task is to keep track of who is using which resource, to grant resource requests, to account for usage, and to mediate conflicting requests from different programs and users. Resource management includes multiplexing (sharing) resources in two ways: in time and in space. When a resource is time multiplexed, different programs or users take turns using it. First one of them gets to use the resource, then another, and soon. For example, with only one CPU and multiple programs that want to run on it, the operating system first allocates the CPU to one program, then after it has run long enough, another one gets to use the CPU, then another, and then eventually the first one again. Determining how the resource is time multiplexed who goes next and for how long is the task of the operating system. Another example of time multiplexing is sharing the printer. When multiple print jobs are queued up for printing on a single printer, a decision has to be made about which one is to be printed next. The other kind of multiplexing is space multiplexing. Instead of the customers taking turns, each one gets part of the resource. For example, main memory is normally divided up among several running programs, so each one can be resident at the same time (for example, in order to take turns using the CPU). Assuming there is enough memory to hold multiple programs, it is more efficient to hold several programs in memory at once rather than give one of them all of it,especially if it only needs a small fraction of the total. Of course, this raises issues of fairness, protection, and so on, and it is up to the operating system to solve them. Another resource that is space multiplexed is the (hard) disk. In many systems a single disk can hold files from many users at the same time. Allocating disk space and keeping track of who is using which disk blocks is a typical operating system resource management task. [A. Tanenbaum, “Operating Systems Design and Implementation”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006]
This chapter introduces a range ofconcepts related to Linux system programming. It is intended for readers who have worked primarily with other operating systems, or who have only limited experience with Linux or another UNIX implementation.
The Core Operating System: The Kernel
The term operating system is commonly used with two different meanings:
To denote the entire package consisting of the central software managing a computer’s resources and all of the accompanying standard software tools, such as command-line interpreters, graphical user interfaces, file utilities, and editors.
More narrowly, to refer to the central software that manages and allocates computer resources (i.e., the CPU, RAM, and devices).
The term kernel is often used as a synonym for the second meaning, and itis with this meaning of the term opera ing system that we are concerned in this book. Although it is possible to run programs on a computer without a kernel, the presence of a kernel greatly simplifies the writing and use of other programs, and increases the power and flexibility available to programmers. The kernel does this by providing a software layer to manage the limited resources of a computer. The Linux kernel executable typically resides at the pathname /boot/vmlinuz, or something similar. The derivation of this filename is historical. On early UNIX implementations, the kernel was called unix. Later UNIX implementations, which implemented virtual memory, renamed the kernel as vmunix. On Linux, the filename mirrors the system name, with the z replacing the final x to signify that the kernel is a compressed executable.
Tasks performed by the kernel
Among other things, the kernel performs the following tasks:
Process scheduling: A computer has one or more central processing units (CPUs), which execute the instructions of programs. Like other UNIX systems, Linux is a preemptive multitasking operating system, Multitasking means that multiple processes (i.e., running programs) can simultaneously reside in memory and each may receive use of the CPU(s). Preemptive means that the rules governing which processes receive use of the CPU and for how long are determined by the kernel process scheduler (rather than by the processes themselves).
Memory management: While computer memories are enormous by the standards of a decade or two ago, the size of software has also correspondingly grown, so that physical memory (RAM) remains a limited resource that the kernel must share among processes in an equitable and efficient fashion. Like most modern operating systems, Linux employs virtual memory management, a technique that confers two main advantages:
Processes are isolated from one another and from the kernel, so that one process can’t read or modify the memory of another process or the kernel.
Only part of a process needs to be kept in memory, thereby lowering the memory requirements of each process and allowing more processes to be held in RAM simultaneously. This leads to better CPU utilization, since it increases the likelihood that, at any moment in time, there is at least one process that the CPU(s) can execute.
Provision of a filesystem: The kernel provides a file system on disk, allowing files to be created, retrieved, updated, deleted, and so on.
Creation and termination of processes:The kernel can load a new program into memory, providing it with the resources (e.g., CPU, memory, and access to files) that it needs in order to run. Such an instance of a running program is termed a process. Once a process has completed execution, the kernel ensures that the resources it uses are freed for subsequent reuse by later programs.
Access to devices: The devices (mice, monitors, keyboards, disk and tape drives, and so on) attached to a computer allow communication of information between the computer and the outside world, permitting input, output, or both. The kernel provides programs with an interface that standardizes and simplifies access to devices, while at the same time arbitrating access by multiple processes to each device.
Networking: The kernel transmits and receives network messages (packets) on behalf of user processes. This task includes routing of network packets to the target system.
Provision of a system call application programming interface (API): Processes can request the kernel to perform various tasks using kernel entry points known as system calls. The Linux system call API is the primary topic of this book. […].
In addition to the above features, multiuser operating systems such as Linux generally provide users with the abstraction of a virtual private computer; that is, each user can log on to the system and operate largely independently of other users. For example, each user has their own disk storage space (home directory). In addition, users can run programs, each of which gets a share of the CPU and operates in its own virtual address space, and these programs can independently access devices and transfer information over the network. The kernel resolves potential conflicts in accessing hardware resources, so users and processes are generally unaware of the conflicts.
Kernel mode and user mode
Modern processor architectures typically allow the CPU to operate in at least two different modes: user mode and kernel mode (sometimes also referred to as supervisor mode). Hardware instructions allow switching from one mode to the other. Correspondingly, areas of virtual memory can be marked as being part of user space or kernel space. When running in user mode, the CPU can access only memory that is marked as being in user space; attempts to access memory in kernel space result in a hardware exception. When running in kernel mode, the CPU can access both user and kernel memory space.
Certain operations can be performed only while the processor is operating in kernel mode. Examples include executing the halt instruction to stop the system, accessing the memory-management hardware, and initiating device I/O operations. By taking advantage of this hardware design to place the operating system in kernel space, operating system implementers can ensure that user processes are not able to access the instructions and data structures of the kernel, or to perform operations that would adversely affect the operation of the system. [Michael Kerrisk, “The Linux programming interface”, No Starch Press, 2010]
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