Esempio gioco carte





Esempio di ordinamento di un mezzo di carte:
 * An object of type Card represents a playing card from a
 * standard Poker deck, including Jokers.  The card has a suit, which
 * can be spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs, or joker.  A spade, heart,
 * diamond, or club has one of the 13 values: ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
 * 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, or king.  Note that "ace" is considered to be
 * the smallest value.  A joker can also have an associated value; 
 * this value can be anything and can be used to keep track of several
 * different jokers.
public class Card {

    public final static int SPADES = 0;   // Codes for the 4 suits, plus Joker.
    public final static int HEARTS = 1;
    public final static int DIAMONDS = 2;
    public final static int CLUBS = 3;
    public final static int JOKER = 4;

    public final static int ACE = 1;      // Codes for the non-numeric cards.
    public final static int JACK = 11;    //   Cards 2 through 10 have their 
    public final static int QUEEN = 12;   //   numerical values for their codes.
    public final static int KING = 13;

     * This card's suit, one of the constants SPADES, HEARTS, DIAMONDS,
     * CLUBS, or JOKER.  The suit cannot be changed after the card is
     * constructed.
    private final int suit; 

     * The card's value.  For a normal card, this is one of the values
     * 1 through 13, with 1 representing ACE.  For a JOKER, the value
     * can be anything.  The value cannot be changed after the card
     * is constructed.
    private final int value;

     * Creates a Joker, with 1 as the associated value.  (Note that
     * "new Card()" is equivalent to "new Card(1,Card.JOKER)".)
    public Card() {
        suit = JOKER;
        value = 1;

     * Creates a card with a specified suit and value.
     * @param theValue the value of the new card.  For a regular card (non-joker),
     * the value must be in the range 1 through 13, with 1 representing an Ace.
     * You can use the constants Card.ACE, Card.JACK, Card.QUEEN, and Card.KING.  
     * For a Joker, the value can be anything.
     * @param theSuit the suit of the new card.  This must be one of the values
     * Card.SPADES, Card.HEARTS, Card.DIAMONDS, Card.CLUBS, or Card.JOKER.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter values are not in the
     * permissible ranges
    public Card(int theValue, int theSuit) {
        if (theSuit != SPADES && theSuit != HEARTS && theSuit != DIAMONDS && 
                theSuit != CLUBS && theSuit != JOKER)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal playing card suit");
        if (theSuit != JOKER && (theValue < 1 || theValue > 13))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal playing card value");
        value = theValue;
        suit = theSuit;

     * Returns the suit of this card.
     * @returns the suit, which is one of the constants Card.SPADES, 
     * Card.HEARTS, Card.DIAMONDS, Card.CLUBS, or Card.JOKER
    public int getSuit() {
        return suit;

     * Returns the value of this card.
     * @return the value, which is one of the numbers 1 through 13, inclusive for
     * a regular card, and which can be any value for a Joker.
    public int getValue() {
        return value;

     * Returns a String representation of the card's suit.
     * @return one of the strings "Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"
     * or "Joker".
    public String getSuitAsString() {
        switch ( suit ) {
        case SPADES:   return "Spades";
        case HEARTS:   return "Hearts";
        case DIAMONDS: return "Diamonds";
        case CLUBS:    return "Clubs";
        default:       return "Joker";

     * Returns a String representation of the card's value.
     * @return for a regular card, one of the strings "Ace", "2",
     * "3", ..., "10", "Jack", "Queen", or "King".  For a Joker, the 
     * string is always numerical.
    public String getValueAsString() {
        if (suit == JOKER)
            return "" + value;
        else {
            switch ( value ) {
            case 1:   return "Ace";
            case 2:   return "2";
            case 3:   return "3";
            case 4:   return "4";
            case 5:   return "5";
            case 6:   return "6";
            case 7:   return "7";
            case 8:   return "8";
            case 9:   return "9";
            case 10:  return "10";
            case 11:  return "Jack";
            case 12:  return "Queen";
            default:  return "King";

     * Returns a string representation of this card, including both
     * its suit and its value (except that for a Joker with value 1,
     * the return value is just "Joker").  Sample return values
     * are: "Queen of Hearts", "10 of Diamonds", "Ace of Spades",
     * "Joker", "Joker #2"
    public String toString() {
        if (suit == JOKER) {
            if (value == 1)
                return "Joker";
                return "Joker #" + value;
            return getValueAsString() + " of " + getSuitAsString();

} // end class Card

 * An object of type Hand represents a hand of cards.  The
 * cards belong to the class Card.  A hand is empty when it
 * is created, and any number of cards can be added to it.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Hand {

    private ArrayList<Card> hand;   // The cards in the hand.

     * Create a hand that is initially empty.
    public Hand() {
        hand = new ArrayList<Card>();

     * Remove all cards from the hand, leaving it empty.
    public void clear() {

     * Add a card to the hand.  It is added at the end of the current hand.
     * @param c the non-null card to be added.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the parameter c is null.
    public void addCard(Card c) {
        if (c == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Can't add a null card to a hand.");

     * Remove a card from the hand, if present.
     * @param c the card to be removed.  If c is null or if the card is not in 
     * the hand, then nothing is done.
    public void removeCard(Card c) {

     * Remove the card in a specified position from the hand.
     * @param position the position of the card that is to be removed, where
     * positions are starting from zero.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the position does not exist in
     * the hand, that is if the position is less than 0 or greater than
     * or equal to the number of cards in the hand.
    public void removeCard(int position) {
        if (position < 0 || position >= hand.size())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Position does not exist in hand: "
                    + position);

     * Returns the number of cards in the hand.
    public int getCardCount() {
        return hand.size();

     * Gets the card in a specified position in the hand.  (Note that this card
     * is not removed from the hand!)
     * @param position the position of the card that is to be returned
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if position does not exist in the hand
    public Card getCard(int position) {
        if (position < 0 || position >= hand.size())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Position does not exist in hand: "
                    + position);
        return hand.get(position);

     * Sorts the cards in the hand so that cards of the same suit are
     * grouped together, and within a suit the cards are sorted by value.
     * Note that aces are considered to have the lowest value, 1.
    public void sortBySuit() {
        ArrayList<Card> newHand = new ArrayList<Card>();
        while (hand.size() > 0) {
            int pos = 0;  // Position of minimal card.
            Card c = hand.get(0);  // Minimal card.
            for (int i = 1; i < hand.size(); i++) {
                Card c1 = hand.get(i);
                if ( c1.getSuit() < c.getSuit() ||
                        (c1.getSuit() == c.getSuit() && c1.getValue() < c.getValue()) ) {
                    pos = i;
                    c = c1;
        hand = newHand;

     * Sorts the cards in the hand so that cards of the same value are
     * grouped together.  Cards with the same value are sorted by suit.
     * Note that aces are considered to have the lowest value, 1.
    public void sortByValue() {
        ArrayList<Card> newHand = new ArrayList<Card>();
        while (hand.size() > 0) {
            int pos = 0;  // Position of minimal card.
            Card c = hand.get(0);  // Minimal card.
            for (int i = 1; i < hand.size(); i++) {
                Card c1 = hand.get(i);
                if ( c1.getValue() < c.getValue() ||
                        (c1.getValue() == c.getValue() && c1.getSuit() < c.getSuit()) ) {
                    pos = i;
                    c = c1;
        hand = newHand;


I metodi della classe sortBySuit() e sortByValue() della classe Hand, ordinano il primo reggruppando per seme e il secondo per valori.

Sotto la classe che simula il mazzo di carte, Deck:
 *  An object of type Deck represents a deck of playing cards.  The deck
 *  is a regular poker deck that contains 52 regular cards and that can
 *  also optionally include two Jokers.
public class Deck {

     * An array of 52 or 54 cards.  A 54-card deck contains two Jokers,
     * in addition to the 52 cards of a regular poker deck.
    private Card[] deck;

     * Keeps track of the number of cards that have been dealt from
     * the deck so far.
    private int cardsUsed;

     * Constructs a regular 52-card poker deck.  Initially, the cards
     * are in a sorted order.  The shuffle() method can be called to
     * randomize the order.  (Note that "new Deck()" is equivalent
     * to "new Deck(false)".)
    public Deck() {
        this(false);  // Just call the other constructor in this class.

     * Constructs a poker deck of playing cards, The deck contains
     * the usual 52 cards and can optionally contain two Jokers
     * in addition, for a total of 54 cards.   Initially the cards
     * are in a sorted order.  The shuffle() method can be called to
     * randomize the order.
     * @param includeJokers if true, two Jokers are included in the deck; if false,
     * there are no Jokers in the deck.
    public Deck(boolean includeJokers) {
        if (includeJokers)
            deck = new Card[54];
            deck = new Card[52];
        int cardCt = 0; // How many cards have been created so far.
        for ( int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++ ) {
            for ( int value = 1; value <= 13; value++ ) {
                deck[cardCt] = new Card(value,suit);
        if (includeJokers) {
            deck[52] = new Card(1,Card.JOKER);
            deck[53] = new Card(2,Card.JOKER);
        cardsUsed = 0;

     * Put all the used cards back into the deck (if any), and
     * shuffle the deck into a random order.
    public void shuffle() {
        for ( int i = deck.length-1; i > 0; i-- ) {
            int rand = (int)(Math.random()*(i+1));
            Card temp = deck[i];
            deck[i] = deck[rand];
            deck[rand] = temp;
        cardsUsed = 0;

     * As cards are dealt from the deck, the number of cards left
     * decreases.  This function returns the number of cards that
     * are still left in the deck.  The return value would be
     * 52 or 54 (depending on whether the deck includes Jokers)
     * when the deck is first created or after the deck has been
     * shuffled.  It decreases by 1 each time the dealCard() method
     * is called.
    public int cardsLeft() {
        return deck.length - cardsUsed;

     * Removes the next card from the deck and return it.  It is illegal
     * to call this method if there are no more cards in the deck.  You can
     * check the number of cards remaining by calling the cardsLeft() function.
     * @return the card which is removed from the deck.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there are no cards left in the deck
    public Card dealCard() {
        if (cardsUsed == deck.length)
            throw new IllegalStateException("No cards are left in the deck.");
        return deck[cardsUsed - 1];
        // Programming note:  Cards are not literally removed from the array
        // that represents the deck.  We just keep track of how many cards
        // have been used.

     * Test whether the deck contains Jokers.
     * @return true, if this is a 54-card deck containing two jokers, or false if
     * this is a 52 card deck that contains no jokers.
    public boolean hasJokers() {
        return (deck.length == 54);

} // end class Deck

Do notare il metodo void shuffle() per mischiare le carte del mazzo. Il metodo Card dealCard() restituisce una carta del mazzo e int cardsLeft(), ritorna il mumero di carte ancora nel mazzo.

Sotto, un programma, che simula un gioco in cui si chiede all'utente se la prossima carta estratta dal mazzo sarà maggiore o minore come valore di quella attuale.
import textio.TextIO;

 * This program lets the user play HighLow, a simple card game 
 * that is described in the output statements at the beginning of 
 * the main() routine.  After the user plays several games, 
 * the user's average score is reported.
public class HighLow {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println("This program lets you play the simple card game,");
        System.out.println("HighLow.  A card is dealt from a deck of cards.");
        System.out.println("You have to predict whether the next card will be");
        System.out.println("higher or lower.  Your score in the game is the");
        System.out.println("number of correct predictions you make before");
        System.out.println("you guess wrong.");

        int gamesPlayed = 0;     // Number of games user has played.
        int sumOfScores = 0;     // The sum of all the scores from 
        //      all the games played.
        double averageScore;     // Average score, computed by dividing
        //      sumOfScores by gamesPlayed.
        boolean playAgain;       // Record user's response when user is 
        //   asked whether he wants to play 
        //   another game.

        do {
            int scoreThisGame;        // Score for one game.
            scoreThisGame = play();   // Play the game and get the score.
            sumOfScores += scoreThisGame;
            System.out.print("Play again? ");
            playAgain = TextIO.getlnBoolean();
        } while (playAgain);

        averageScore = ((double)sumOfScores) / gamesPlayed;

        System.out.println("You played " + gamesPlayed + " games.");
        System.out.printf("Your average score was %1.3f.\n", averageScore);

    }  // end main()

     * Lets the user play one game of HighLow, and returns the
     * user's score in that game.  The score is the number of
     * correct guesses that the user makes.
    private static int play() {

        Deck deck = new Deck();  // Get a new deck of cards, and 
                                 //   store a reference to it in 
                                //   the variable, deck.

        Card currentCard;  // The current card, which the user sees.

        Card nextCard;   // The next card in the deck.  The user tries
                         //    to predict whether this is higher or lower
                         //    than the current card.

        int correctGuesses ;  // The number of correct predictions the
                              //   user has made.  At the end of the game,
                              //   this will be the user's score.

        char guess;   // The user's guess.  'H' if the user predicts that
                      //   the next card will be higher, 'L' if the user
                      //   predicts that it will be lower.

        deck.shuffle();  // Shuffle the deck into a random order before
                         //    starting the game.

        correctGuesses = 0;
        currentCard = deck.dealCard();
        System.out.println("The first card is the " + currentCard);

        while (true) {  // Loop ends when user's prediction is wrong.

            /* Get the user's prediction, 'H' or 'L' (or 'h' or 'l'). */

            System.out.print("Will the next card be higher (H) or lower (L)?  ");
            do {
                guess = TextIO.getlnChar();
                guess = Character.toUpperCase(guess);
                if (guess != 'H' && guess != 'L') 
                    System.out.print("Please respond with H or L:  ");
            } while (guess != 'H' && guess != 'L');

            /* Get the next card and show it to the user. */

            nextCard = deck.dealCard();
            System.out.println("The next card is " + nextCard);

            /* Check the user's prediction. */

            if (nextCard.getValue() == currentCard.getValue()) {
                System.out.println("The value is the same as the previous card.");
                System.out.println("You lose on ties.  Sorry!");
                break;  // End the game.
            else if (nextCard.getValue() > currentCard.getValue()) {
                if (guess == 'H') {
                    System.out.println("Your prediction was correct.");
                else {
                    System.out.println("Your prediction was incorrect.");
                    break;  // End the game.
            else {  // nextCard is lower
                if (guess == 'L') {
                    System.out.println("Your prediction was correct.");
                else {
                    System.out.println("Your prediction was incorrect.");
                    break;  // End the game.

            /* To set up for the next iteration of the loop, the nextCard
               becomes the currentCard, since the currentCard has to be
               the card that the user sees, and the nextCard will be
               set to the next card in the deck after the user makes
               his prediction.  */

            currentCard = nextCard;
            System.out.println("The card is " + currentCard);

        } // end of while loop

        System.out.println("The game is over.");
        System.out.println("You made " + correctGuesses 
                + " correct predictions.");

        return correctGuesses;

    }  // end play()

} // end class HighLow

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